Memory works in four stages:
§ It recognizes a thing.
§ The impression is left on it.
§ It retains the impression.
§ It recalls what it has retained.
It is important to study the above points separately and clearly.
Earlier we talked about the five senses and how they help us
experience something, the impression of which is left on our minds. We call
this ‘Memory’. When we recognize a thing with one sense or two senses working
together, it leaves an impression in the form of memory. This impression is
stored in the mind, and we can recall it from there.
Here’s an example. Suppose we meet a new person at a party, the
person introduces himself or is introduced to us. We look at that person with
our eyes and hear his name with our ears, hence we know that person through two
senses. His impression is left in the form of memory, which is stored in our
mind, called the storehouse. And after some time, when we meet that person
again, we are sure to recall his name immediately, i.e. we recognize him once
again. This is how our memory works.
Memory is like a recorder which can record whatever we want to
record in it. Now let us look at this picture of a “Recorder”:
Memory = Tape
Play Button = Sense
(Sense of Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound.)
Recorder = Body
Recording Button = Mind
(Concentrate the mind on one sense or on all senses.)
Fast Forward
Rewind = Will
Electric = Bio Energy
Suppose we want to record some songs on a tape recorder or a film
on a video cassette, and we push only the “Play Button” and not the “Record
Button” then the song or the film cannot be recorded. Similarly, it is the same
with the senses and the mind. If they do not work in unison then retention may
not take place.
So the first step for good Memory is “Concentration of mind”. But
sometimes distractions arise. Why do you think they arise?
There are numerous reasons for distraction. It may be due to:
Pain and
disease in the body.
Blockage in
blood circulation
Blockage in
Weak sense
intelligence and mind
Some of the exercises recommended are:
Simple posture
exercises for body and blood circulation
exercises for blockage of energy.
Exercises for
relaxation, exercises for the senses, and exercises of visualization also
exercise the mind.
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